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Wintermute Collaborates with University of Melbourne Researcher to Tackle Oral Gonorrhoea: Advancing Research for Effective Treatments

Wintermute joins forces with Dr. Fabian Kong at the University of Melbourne to combat the rise of multi-drug resistant oral gonorrhoea infections.

Wintermute Biomedical
June 16, 2023

Wintermute Biomedical Australia has partnered with Dr. Fabian Kong, a senior research fellow and deputy head of the sexual health unit within the Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of Melbourne, to investigate the efficacy of Wintermute's formulations against oral gonorrhoea. The collaboration aims to develop effective treatments for multi-drug resistant gonorrhoea infections in the mouth.

Oral gonorrhoea infections caused by Neisseria gonorrhoea (NG) are highly prevalent, with a global prevalence rate of 2–5%. These infections in the oropharynx have been associated with up to 20% higher treatment failure compared to urogenital infections. They play a significant role in transmission through oral sex and saliva, making them a crucial area of research. Furthermore, oropharyngeal infections contribute to the development of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and frighteningly, NG has already developed resistance to all classes of antibiotics for gonorrhoea treatment.

Dr. Fabian Kong, a senior research fellow and deputy head of the sexual health unit at the University of Melbourne, brings extensive expertise to the collaboration. With over 25 years of public health experience, Fabian's work focuses on optimizing treatments for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and establishing surveillance systems for infectious diseases.

Fabian's current research aims to develop treatments for multi-drug resistant gonorrhoea infections in the mouth. He has pioneered the world's first oral human tissue model of gonorrhoea infection for screening potential treatments.

Wintermute's collaboration with Fabian Kong and the Melbourne Dental School (led by A/Prof Antonio Celentano) represents a significant milestone in the search for effective oral gonorrhoea treatments. Wintermute's fatty acid-based formulations will undergo screening with the aim to develop a topical product, such as a chewing gum to prevent oral gonorrhoea infections.

Wintermute and University of Melbourne researchers are enthusiastic about the collaboration's potential to contribute to effective oral gonorrhoea treatments. By combining Wintermute's antimicrobial innovation with Fabian Kong's expertise in sexual health and infectious diseases, the partnership aims to address the urgent global challenge of antimicrobial resistance in gonorrhoea.

To learn more about Dr. Fabian Kong's research and the University of Melbourne's work in sexual health and epidemiology, visit Fabian Kong's profile on the University of Melbourne's website.

About Wintermute:

Wintermute is a leading pharmaceutical research company dedicated to developing innovative treatments for a range of infectious diseases. With a focus on cutting-edge formulations and drug discovery, Wintermute is committed to improving global health outcomes through scientific advancements. Find out more about Wintermute and our programs here.


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